How to buy
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Select a subscription plan that best fits your individual or company needs. Each plan has a different level of security, reporting, automation, and support features.
For individuals and smaller teams
Product usage reporting with user-level details
Single sign-on (SSO)
8x5 live support
Benefits included with all product subscriptions
For medium and large teams
All the features of the Standard plan plus:
Directory sync
Premium coaching for end users and admins
24x7 live support
For extra-large teams
All the features of the Premium plan plus:
Ability to add your own metadata
Controlled access to downloads
Managed Success Plan
Subscription: Users access products for a term through a dedicated single-user subscription. |
Flex: Users access products at a daily rate through pre-purchased tokens. |
Subscription usage reporting: See an aggregate summary of how many users are using each product and version, and the overall frequency of use for subscription seats. |
Subscription usage reporting with user details: See which users are using each product and version, and their frequency of use for subscription seats. |
Flex usage reporting: See an aggregate summary of how many tokens are being used by product and by user. |
Flex usage reporting with user details: See daily token use and ongoing trends for individual users by product and version. |
Add your own metadata: Submit data about your users, such as location or team, to enrich reports. |
Connect data to third-party tools through API access: Use APIs to integrate usage data with your third-party tools to automate analysis workflows. |
Add and assign users in Autodesk Account: Invite and assign users to any product in your list just by using their email address. |
Two-step verification: Add another layer of security to user accounts. |
Bulk import and assign: Upload a CSV file to add a large number of users at once. |
Groups: Organize users into groups to quickly assign the same products to many users. |
Automate Flex user assignments: Set up default assignments to choose which products to assign to all Flex users on your list. |
Single sign-on (SSO): Have users sign in via company network credentials to access products. |
Automate adding users: Have users automatically added to your user list upon their first sign-in. |
Control user access to downloads: Restrict product downloads to admins only. |
Directory Sync: Connect your organization’s directory with Autodesk’s user management platform, to automate group and product assignments. |
Autodesk Drive: Store, preview, and share design data securely. |
Shared views: Share work with stakeholders quickly and securely. |
Manage users by team: Separate your subscriptions and track usage by team. |
Global use rights: Assign and access subscriptions** or Flex for users living and working anywhere, including subsidiaries and contractors. |
Onboarding assistance: Get assistance with setting up new benefits, such as single sign-on, in the first 90 days. |
Managed success plan: Work with your assigned Customer Success Manager (CSM) to build, implement, and capture value from your Customer Success Plan. |
Online self-help: Troubleshoot issues with peers and experts in our community forums and find the answers to your questions on Autodesk support or with Autodesk Assistant. |
Web case support: Submit a case and get help from an Autodesk specialist within one business day. Customers on Premium and Enterprise get expedited assistance. |
8x5 live support: Contact an Autodesk specialist for help during your local business hours. |
24x7 live support: Contact an Autodesk specialist for help anytime, including nights and weekends. |
Priority support: Get priority responses and resolutions to issues with support case oversight from Autodesk specialists. |
Proactive support: Work with specialists to prevent issues before they happen by reducing avoidable errors and improving deployment and upgrade methods. |
ADN membership fee waived: Join the Autodesk Developer Network for free. |
On-demand courses: Learn the latest workflows in just 15 minutes a day with structured, discipline-focused modules. |
Pre-recorded coaching: Watch videos of coaching sessions, on your own time, to stay up to speed on the latest workflows. |
Live coaching: Get live coaching from Autodesk experts tailored to your team’s focus areas and common use cases. |
Ask a specialist: Speak 1:1 with an Autodesk specialist to learn about product capabilities, new features, technical requirements, and more. |
If you are a student, educator, or an IT or lab administrator for an educational institution, enjoy free access to Autodesk products through the Education plan. Confirm your eligibility through the Autodesk Education Community and download software for your own use, or to assign to students.
The Standard plan has no minimum requirement; all product subscriptions automatically include Standard features and services. As a primary admin, you can choose to upgrade to the Premium plan if you have at least 10 subscriptions on Premium-eligible products. If you’re interested in an Enterprise Business Agreement, please contact an Autodesk representative.
All product subscriptions include the Standard plan and are offered at local pricing for your region.
Upgrading to an annual Premium plan is approximately an additional US$200 SRP per eligible product subscription per year*.
For Enterprise pricing, please contact an Autodesk representative directly.
Any product subscription you purchase online, through your reseller, or with an Autodesk representative will include the Standard plan.
To upgrade to Premium, work directly with your Autodesk reseller or representative; to upgrade to Enterprise, please contact your representative directly.
See the list of eligible products here. We are actively working to add more Autodesk products to the Premium plan.
If you are on the Standard plan and want to upgrade to Premium, you can do so anytime, or you can wait until it’s time to renew your subscription. If you would like to upgrade, please reach out to your Autodesk representative.
Premium plan subscriptions are prepaid, 1-year or 3-year plans. At the end of your annual or 3-year term, you can choose to renew your Premium plan or downgrade back to Standard, at which point you will lose access to the Premium benefits.
No. When upgrading plans, all subscriptions managed by a primary admin must be on Premium. To upgrade from Premium to Enterprise, please reach out to your Autodesk representative.
Plan features are not sold separately at this time, so be sure to choose the plan that includes the features you need.
Nonprofits, startups, and entrepreneurs using design for environmental or social good may apply for free software through our Technology Impact Program.
We guarantee that support will be provided in English. Other languages may be available when you request support.
All product subscriptions automatically come on the Standard plan, and there is no additional cost.
To upgrade to a Premium plan, you’ll purchase the same number of Premium plan subscriptions as the number of product subscriptions you have. We’ll look at your current number of underlying eligible product subscriptions and provide you a quote.
3-year Premium plans only: for any additional product subscriptions purchased during the 3-year term, you will need to buy the same number of additional Premium plan subscriptions to continue to have access to the Premium Plan benefits for these additional product subscriptions. You can purchase additional product subscriptions at any time, and we’ll wait to catch up on the additional Premium subscriptions until the end of each year. We refer to this as your true-up at anniversary. There will be a true-up at the end of your first year and second year (the 1st and 2nd anniversaries of your Premium plan start date). During that time, you’ll receive a notification about the number of Premium plan subscriptions you’ll need to add to match the number of product subscriptions you added earlier in the year. Note, we can only add Premium plan subscriptions during true-up. If you want to reduce your Premium plan subscriptions, you can do so at your next renewal. At that time, you will be able to adjust your number of Premium plan subscriptions and purchase more or fewer Premium plan subscriptions, depending on your needs. For more information, visit the Autodesk Knowledge Network.
Contact your Autodesk representative for information about Enterprise Business Agreements.
Select companies may purchase an Enterprise Business Agreement. Please contact an Autodesk representative if you are interested in getting started.
The Education plan is accessible to all eligible students and educators globally. Eligible students and educators must study or be employed at a qualified educational institution and may only use software accessed through the Education Community on a personal device for purposes directly related to learning, teaching, training, research, or development.
Visit the Autodesk Education Community, choose your preferred software and create an Autodesk account. When completing your educational profile, be sure to select your educational role as “Student” or “Educator” and then proceed to confirm your eligibility for free access to the Autodesk Education plan.
Yes. The Education plan provides 1-year access to use Autodesk products and services through the Education Community—with one renewal date for all product subscriptions you request while your plan is active. You can access any product offered under the Education plan during your 1-year renewable Education plan access.
The Education plan replaces the 1-year single-user Educational licenses previously granted to a student or educator for each Autodesk software title licensed through the Education Community.
Yes. Educators and qualified educational institution IT/lab administrators who meet eligibility criteria can continue to obtain 1-year renewable Educational multi-seat standalone and network licenses through the Autodesk Education Community under applicable terms.
All plans are subject to terms and conditions. Please see Standard and Premium Terms of Use.
* SRP is Autodesk's suggested retail price (excluding freight, handling, and taxes) for the specified product in your region as at the date of this communication. SRP is used for reference purposes only. Actual retail price is determined by your reseller and may be subject to currency fluctuation. Contact your reseller for more details. All Autodesk pricing is subject to change without notice.
** Global Use Rights are available for subscriptions purchased in Approved Countries only, as further described in the Global Use Rights content in the Terms of Use.