Autodesk Info360 Asset: Water and wastewater asset condition intelligence

Pinpoint and prioritize network assets for rehab or replacement.

Why use Autodesk Info360 Asset?

Cloud storage beyond your data needs

Directly upload pipe footage for analysis.

AI for automated condition assessments

Eliminate manual video footage processing with VAPAR Solutions* AI.


*Licensed separately

Capacity calculations from hydraulic models

Get more accurate risk results from your hydraulic model investments.

Ability to share your plans

Extend analysis to your enterprise with Esri’s ArcGIS Online.

What you can do with Autodesk Info360 Asset 

Simple CCTV data workflow to drag, drop, and store inspection media (video: 58 sec.)

Drag, drop, and store inspection media

Get an easy-to-use web interface with ample cloud storage to store, review, edit, and manage your inspection data. Articulate on a map and provide feedback to your inspection teams.

Automatically generate defect scores to save hours (video: 21 sec.)

Go from weeks to days to generate defect scores

Use VAPAR Solutions AI (licensed separately) to review CCTV footage at the touch of a button. Let AI code inspection footage, identify and classify pipe defects, and flag problems for review, saving hours.

Confidently prioritize assets to repair, replace, or inspect again (video: 1:28 min.)

Simplify stages to defendable decisions

Manage water and wastewater O&M budgets more effectively with a platform that enables targeted CCTV and inspection programs. Derive rehabilitation plans and progress to confidently prioritize assets to repair, replace, or inspect again.

Autodesk Info360 Asset resources 


Get started with Info360 Asset

Have an easy onboarding process and find benefits fast with our getting started content within our support portal and YouTube page.



Powerful integration with Esri Apps

Use Esri GIS data within Info360 Asset and publish water and wastewater asset condition data, risk results, and rehabilitation recommendations back to ArcGIS Online. 


Info360 cloud solutions strategic vision

View the online public roadmap to confidently adopt Info360 cloud solutions.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Autodesk Info360 Asset used for?

Autodesk Info360 Asset helps asset management practitioners review, store, and manage all inspection data effectively, assess condition conveniently, determine risks accurately, and guide renewal decisions–all from a single cloud-based platform. It also provides nontechnical stakeholders with an easy-to-understand web environment they can access, so they understand maintenance and renewal decisions.

Who uses Autodesk Info360 Asset?

Autodesk Info360 Asset is used by utilities, municipalities, consulting firms, and contractors. Field crews, CCTV contractors, condition program managers, risk modelers, capital planners, asset strategists, and consultants all collaborate in a single, cloud-based platform composed of asset details, inspections, condition data, risk results, rehabilitation plans, and any supporting data imported in a tabular or GIS format.

What if our assets are inspected by our contractor (no in-house field crew)? How can they import them to Autodesk Info360 Asset?

You can give your contractor direct access to the Inspection Portal in Autodesk Info360 Asset, where contractors can upload and review inspection data and media prior to submitting. Contractors can upload inspections without associated media so you can use the inspection data immediately and upload media later when the bandwidth improves. If inspections are not to your standards, you can reject them directly within Info360 Asset and explain why, so your contractor can re-inspect the relevant assets.

What can be imported and used within Autodesk Info360 Asset?

You can bring in GIS layers to:

  • Connect to ArcGIS Online and bring in GIS layers risk and rehabilitation analyses.
  • Refine consequence of failure calculations.
  • Visualize spatial data clearly within the network map.

You can also bring any custom table and associate it with the relevant assets to improve risk profiles.

How do I get started with Info360 Asset?

To start with Info360 Asset, log in to using your Autodesk account credentials and your company domain name. Ensure there's a valid Info360 Asset product subscription for your team on your Autodesk account, and that you are assigned as an Admin. Then, create a hub for your team from the Autodesk Account ( If multiple teams exist, each requires a hub. Once the hub is created and Info360 Asset activated, you will be redirected to the Info360 Asset page. 
Key helpfile links: 

How do I import data into Info360 Asset? 

To import data into Info360 Asset, begin by importing your water and wastewater asset data like GIS layers, pipe, and manhole layers. Next, upload condition inspection files and their associated media files. These files are linked to your assets for risk analyses and rehab trees. Finally, import additional spatial data or custom data for further analysis. This could include extra GIS layers like buildings or rivers, or custom tables with historical information like repair costs or work management information.


Key helpfile link:

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