Autodesk Informed Design for Inventor: Confirm Manufacturability and Customer Satisfaction

Autodesk Inventor 2024 or a more recent version, as well as Autodesk Docs are required to use Informed Design for Inventor. 

What is Informed Design for Inventor?

Unlock the full potential of your building products with Informed Design for Inventor.

    • Seamless Collaboration: Collaborate effortlessly with designers by creating parametric models of your building products. Confirm that only compliant versions of your products are used, thanks to built-in constraints and rules. 

  • Powerful BIM Content Creation: Define BIM content confirming that your building products meet project requirements, compatibility with other components, and industry standards. 

    • Streamlined Product Documentation: Simplify the generation of product documentation at scale and effortlessly generate the necessary outputs for fabrication. 

Informed Design overview video (1:56 min.)

Why use Informed Design for Inventor?

Reduce wasted resources

Through customizable, parametric versions of your building products, customers can tailor designs within set parameters, reducing waste and non-viable products.

Speed up time to market

Promote smoother operations and avoid downstream delays and rework by equipping your customers with known-manufacturable and customizable versions of your building products.

Improve collaboration

Enhance collaboration with customers by integrating your products into architectural plans, establishing design parameters, and sharing key manufacturability insights.

What you can do with Informed Design for Inventor

Blockly, a library for building beginner-friendly block-based programming languages, is a trademark of Google, Inc. and/or its affiliates. Author manufacturing constraints (video: 1:45 min.) 

Author manufacturing constraints

Use Blockly codeblocks to limit building product customization based on manufacturing capabilities.

Preview manufacturing constraint rules (video: 1:25 min.) 

Preview manufacturing constraint rules

Preview and test rules during authoring to confirm correct parameter validation and model updates in response to edits.

Set output type availability (video: 45 sec.) 

Set output type availability

Define the range of outputs that your building product can produce – file types, templates, and model state representations.

Manage work-in-progress versions (video: 1:25 min.) 

Manage work-in-progress versions

Create multiple product definitions to iterate and experiment in drafts or release context-specific variations of a manufacturing-constrained product.

"When our architects know what’s manufacturable and fits the building, that saves us all time and improves our project quality. "

– Abby Willets, R&D Engineer,  Green Canopy Node

Informed Design for Revit and Inventor workflow

See how Informed Design for Revit and Inventor combine for design certainty.

Balcony building product in Inventor

Author and publish building products

Building product manufacturers author and publish customizable, repeatable products using Autodesk Informed Design for Inventor.


Placing building component in Revit

Customize and Place building products in design files

Access, customize, and place building product templates in design files while respecting manufacturers' guardrails.


Generating outputs in web portal

Automatically create output documentation

Using the Informed Design web portal, manufacturers can seamlessly generate all manufacturing documentation automatically.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Informed Design for Inventor used for?

Autodesk Informed Design for Inventor is an add-in for Autodesk Inventor that empowers product managers and product engineers to efficiently create parametric models, define BIM content, establish product rules, and seamlessly share their products with building design stakeholders through cloud-based collaboration. This add-in streamlines the design process, enabling enhanced collaboration and communication among all parties involved in building design projects.

Who uses Informed Design for Inventor?

Informed Design for Inventor is used by product managers and/or product engineers at either a vertically integrated contractor company or a building product manufacturing firm. 

What is the difference between Inventor and Informed Design for Inventor?

Autodesk Inventor is a 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software that is widely used for mechanical design, simulation, and documentation. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating and editing 3D models, generating 2D drawings, and performing various engineering analyses.

Informed Design for Inventor is an add-in specifically designed to extend the functionality of Autodesk Inventor. This add-in enables product managers and product engineers to create parametric models, define BIM content, author product rules, and publish their products to the cloud for improved collaboration with building design stakeholders. 

Are there any prerequisites for using Informed Design for Inventor?

In order to utilize Informed Design for Inventor, users must have Inventor and Autodesk Docs for seamless cloud-based data sharing and building product template integration. While Informed Design for Revit is not a prerequisite, effective collaboration with the design stakeholder using Informed Design for Revit, Inventor and Autodesk Docs is essential for optimal usage and synchronization.

How much does Informed Design for Inventor cost?

Informed Design for Inventor is an add-in for Inventor that can be downloaded and installed free of charge. As of now, generating manufacturing documentation through the Informed Design web portal does not incur any token charge. However, please note that after the zero token charge period, generating manufacturing documentation via the Informed Design web portal will entail a nominal fee of 1/3 token per document (equivalent to 3 documents per token). Please be aware that terms and conditions apply and prices are subject to change.

What version of Inventor can I install Informed Design for Inventor on?

Informed Design for Inventor can only be installed on Inventor 2024 and upcoming releases. 

Which operating system does Informed Design for Inventor run on? 

Informed Design runs on the same OS as Inventor 2024. See Inventor 2024 system requirements for details.

Can I install Informed Design for Inventor on multiple computers? 

Please refer to the Software License Agreement for more information. 

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